Wednesday Jun 20, 2018
Geekery in General 199: Tartarus
Wednesday Jun 20, 2018
Wednesday Jun 20, 2018
Al discusses Tartarus in AD&D first edition's Manual of the Planes and its counterpart in Greek mythology.
Friday Jun 15, 2018
Geekery in General 198: Zombies
Friday Jun 15, 2018
Friday Jun 15, 2018
Zombies are everywhere. They have appeared in countless movies, books, TV shows, and games. But why are these mindless masses so popular? Al and Chad attempt to answer that question as they take a look at the historical roots of zombies and how they have been portrayed in popular culture.
Friday Jun 15, 2018
Whose Podcast is it Anyway - Episode 57 - Jason Dean Take Two
Friday Jun 15, 2018
Friday Jun 15, 2018
I'm back with a fun filled podcast. I sit down almost a year to the day with Jason Dean. He has spent the last year plus travelling the country, doing what he wants to do, when he wants to do it...except for work, that he still needs to do to. We talk places, food and beer and we find out what he's been doing the past year.
Like the episode? Check Jason out here. http://midwesternboy.com/
Now, sit back, relax and see whose podcast it is anyway!
Thursday Jun 14, 2018
Musically Challenged - Episode 72 - Dream Songs
Thursday Jun 14, 2018
Thursday Jun 14, 2018
Relax...Relax...take a deep breath...inhale...exhale...inhale...exhale...
Sorry, focus, must focus to bring listener an episode of songs, that make you want to dream a dream. That's right, the boys are bringing you a series of songs that delve into your sub-concious. We know your dreams and we have dreams of our own. Grab those gummy melatonins you keep in the cupboard for those nights you just can't sleep, some warm milk and a snuggie and find out if you are musically challenged too.
We are on Twitter, please follow us and get updates from Musically Challenged! @MCPodcast17 will find us. If you see the skeleton rock fingers, it's us! If you follow us, we follow you.
Want to reach out to us? There are a few ways to do that. First send us an email at musicchallengepodcast@gmail.com or if your more into that social media thing, you can find us on Facebook @poinetwork or @musicallychallengedpodcast. Like us and share us.
Wednesday Jun 06, 2018
Musically Challenged - Episode 71 - Weird Al Originals
Wednesday Jun 06, 2018
Wednesday Jun 06, 2018
Here you are, one episode into the new format and they throw you a curve ball by having a special guest on the show. That's right the boys are joined by the one and only Scott Ahern. The last time Scott joined the boys they talked about Weird Al Yankovich and some things never change. It's been about 30 or so episodes since they last talked about Al, so they are doing it again. Faced with the imeding thought of the Weird Al concert all 3 guys are going to in a few days they decided to take a secial look at Weird Al and more precisely his songs that are not parody. So buckle up and see if you are musically challenged too.
We are on Twitter, please follow us and get updates from Musically Challenged! @MCPodcast17 will find us. If you see the skeleton rock fingers, it's us! If you follow us, we follow you.
Want to reach out to us? There are a few ways to do that. First send us an email at musicchallengepodcast@gmail.com or if your more into that social media thing, you can find us on Facebook @poinetwork or @musicallychallengedpodcast. Like us and share us.
Friday Jun 01, 2018
Want to Hear Something Interesting? - Episode 17 - Year Round Schooling
Friday Jun 01, 2018
Friday Jun 01, 2018
With the end of the school year upon us or behind us already, Scott and chad thought they would take a look at year round school. What are the pros and cons of it? Is it better or worse for you, your children, the teachers. The guys decided that there might be more to be learned if we were to bring on a couple of kids still in school and see what they think of the idea. The guys enlisted Chad's two daughters, Emma (Just finished her freshman year of college) and Molly (Junior year of high school almost over) and see what they had to say. Come on in and listen to something that is interesting, provacative and maybe, just mabe a little bit of fun. so, do you WANT TO HEAR SOMETHING INTERESTING?
If you wnt us to research and talk about a topic your interested in please drop us a line at one or more of the following places.
You can find us on Facebook @poinetwork or @want2hearsoemthinginteresting or you can drop us a line at want2hearsomethinginteresting@gmail.com or eclecticmediaproject@gmail.comeither way we look forward to hearing from you!
Thursday May 31, 2018
Musically Challenged - Episode 70 - Polkas!
Thursday May 31, 2018
Thursday May 31, 2018
We are really going off the norm today and we are doing an episode of a different color. That’s right, we, Lou and Chad are doing an episode of Polka music. One of the things we wanted to do when we started this was to expand our horizons and we are going to do that with this episode. We are taking two rock and roll boys and putting them in a very interesting position. I bet everyone out there would love to see that.
Pay attention as we take you through 10 polka songs. There really is a lot of good stuff in there. Do you like polkas? Are you musically challenged as well?
We are on Twitter, please follow us and get updates from Musically Challenged! @MCPodcast17 will find us. If you see the skeleton rock fingers, it's us! If you follow us, we follow you.
Want to reach out to us? There are a few ways to do that. First send us an email at musicchallengepodcast@gmail.com or if your more into that social media thing, you can find us on Facebook @poinetwork or @musicallychallengedpodcast. Like us and share us.
Sunday May 27, 2018
Geekery in General 197: Bloodstained-Curse of the Moon
Sunday May 27, 2018
Sunday May 27, 2018
Like many long time Castlevania fans Al is looking forward to the upcoming Ritual of the Night from Koji Igarashi, the genius behind Symphony of the Night. In the meantime we have Curse of the Moon to whet our appetite.
Correction: I mention in the description of one of the enemies that it was a solider who died in the demon castle war. This is incorrect. This is actually a description from one of the items a character can find.
You can view the video for this episode on Point of Insanity Game Studio's YouTube channel at https://youtu.be/IKCsEQyabvQ
Thursday May 24, 2018
Geekery in General 196: Symphony of the Night
Thursday May 24, 2018
Thursday May 24, 2018
Every long running video game series has that one game that stands out. Such a game is usually universally praised for its graphics, music, gameplay, and story. Al and Dan from the Radio Free Borderlands podcast discuss the crown jewel of the Castlevania series: Symphony of the Night!
Wednesday May 23, 2018
Musically Challenged - Episode 69 - Sex Songs
Wednesday May 23, 2018
Wednesday May 23, 2018
You knew this would happen, you knew that eventually Lou and Chad would throw all precedent to the wind and just get naughty. Well here is the result an entire episode about song about sex. We pull no punches, if you are uncomfortable with discussion about sex, masterbation or any other form of naughtyness...skip this episode...
Still here? Let's talk about sex...are you musically challenged?
We are on Twitter, please follow us and get updates from Musically Challenged! @MCPodcast17 will find us. If you see the skeleton rock fingers, it's us! If you follow us, we follow you.
Want to reach out to us? There are a few ways to do that. First send us an email at musicchallengepodcast@gmail.com or if your more into that social media thing, you can find us on Facebook @poinetwork or @musicallychallengedpodcast. Like us and share us.